There are three methods you can use to access the Plot Style Manager to work with plot styles. If a style is assigned to an object, it will override the layer settings. Expand this dialog by clicking the arrow in. Now open your drawing and type Plot in the Command line to open the Plot dialog box.

Copy your CTB file from the backed-up location (such as the LandFX/Administration folder) into the Plot Style Manager. Named Plot Styles can be attached to specific objects or layers. Or select the Plot Style Manager option from the File menu. In a Color-Dependent Plot Style table you can specify the color, lineweight, linetype, screening, and so on that objects of a specific color will have when plotted. You can set the default plot style on the Plot and Publish tab (Plot Style Table setting button) in the Options dialog box. With this style, it does not matter what color the objects are or even what layer they are on. The PSTYLEMODE system variable determines the used style of a new drawing. In a Named Plot Style table, you can specify the color, lineweight, linetype, screening, and so on that objects on a specific layer will have when plotted. Later versions of AutoCAD allowed this type of functionality to be applied directly, independent of color, using a stb (style table). This is why the styles can be applied using a ctb (color table) file. In a Color-Dependent Plot Style table you can specify the color, lineweight, linetype, screening, and so on that objects of a specific color will have when plotted. In the early days of AutoCAD, plot styles were always applied by mapping one color, e.g. The PSTYLEMODE system variable determines the used style of a new drawing. Color-dependent plot styles (CTB files).There are two types of plot style tables: You can use a table to reduce the number of redundant steps you need to perform each time you plot a drawing. Plot style tables contain several of the plot settings you use when plotting a drawing.